Monthly Shopping Vs Weekly Shopping

Create your own list
Shopping for grocery is inevitable and repeated task for every
family as well as individuals. Here are two approaches for buying as
weekly and monthly and here will talk about the advantages and
disadvantages of both approaches.
Monthly Shopping Advantages
- Time and vehicle fuel is saved because in your one trip, all food products are purchased.
- You can take advantage of offers 2x1, 3x2, 20% more product for the same price, etc. The buyer can get to save a considerable amount of money.
Monthly Shopping Drawbacks
- The offers on certain products may incite you buy more than you need or purchase the unnecessary items.
- In the monthly purchase, it is often included more whims and make more impulse purchases like desserts, sweets, snacks products, nuts, etc. since it is known that you will not return to the store till the next month. Therefore, you must be planned in order to reduce spending on food and have discipline to avoid impulse purchases.
- Some products may expire in the pantry or refrigerator for having purchased in the excess quantity. It is best to freeze the perishable foods in small packages you have purchased to go slowly consuming them.
- It takes a big list to be with you to take so many products and go through so many different sections, so it is highly likely to forget buying some items. Many consumers say that with the monthly purchase, just going to the grocery store every week to purchase fresh foods that are needed.
- The large containers may seem cheaper but often they prove to be less gainful as high amount of the product is consumed or wasted.
- The monthly purchase leads to more spending for the reason that the more full the car is, it gets fewer qualms in adding new products.
Weekly Shopping Advantage
- Fresh and perishable products like meat, fish, fruits, vegetables, etc. tend to have more volatile than non-perishable amounts.
- It is easier to achieve savings by buying seasonal products or foods as in that week, they are at best price.
- It is less likely for the purchased products to expire in the fridge or pantry.
- If you have forgotten to buy some foods, you can wait until next week when you go again to buy next week’s items.
Weekly Shopping Drawbacks
• When you go to the supermarket every week, time is spent in addition to vehicle fuel if you drive.
In general, it is more advantageous to buy grocery
and other foods every week instead of monthly basis. In case you have
very hectic daily schedule, you can prefer shopping on monthly basis.